Becoming Trauma Aware

Free Introduction for Helpers & Volunteers

Approx 1hr 7mins 

Practicing Christians are twice as likely to adopt and three times more likely to seriously consider fostering. Here we have a large population of people who are drawn to and inclined to take care of kids that have experienced hard things. We want to make sure we are aware of things that impact kids and families as you serve them.

In this brief introduction, you will be made more aware of how children and teens from difficult backgrounds, especially foster care and adoption, might experience the world around them. We introduce the topics of :

  • Attachment
  • Trauma & Toxic Stress
  • Grief & Loss
  • How You Can Help

This course is helpful for church and community volunteers that are serving as part of Foster Family Wraparound or Care Community Teams, helpers with Foster Parent Night Out events, Sunday School teachers, youth coaches, mentors or friends and family. And at the end of this introductory course, you’ll be given a code for a HUGE discount for the full Made to Belong Trauma Training.

Thank you for doing your part to improve the outcomes and experiences for kids in foster care!